Virtual Classroom Policy
Virtual classes create new and exciting opportunities for teachers and learners, but online learning also has its challenges, like the temptation for learners to switch to other online platforms, respond to a message, or for background noise and activities to create a distraction.
With virtual classroom rules in place, you can minimize those issues, keep classes focused and effective, and help create a safe and positive learning environment for everyone.
Most Important Virtual Classroom Rules:
1. Find Your Quite Place
Find a quiet space to take your class where you won't be distracted. Students should be in an environment conducive to attentive virtual studying and class interaction, which will help set the tone for the group as a whole.
2. Be Prepared
Learners should be prepared and ready to go five minutes before class starts. Here’s what you could include in a quick checklist:
Have a pen and paper
Be familiar with the device and e-learning platform
Fully charge or connect your device before class starts
Have a glass of water
Check lighting
Turn off any notification alerts
Download the relevant apps and tools
Textbooks and additional Reading materials can be purchased on or
3. Be On Time
Late arrivals can be a big distraction – your class time is limited, learners could miss a crucial set of task instructions, and especially in a small regular class, lateness compromises people’s engagement and focus.
Students will not be able to access the Virtual Class 10 minutes after the start time. The student will have the opportunity to reschedule at another time (depending on the future availability of the Class)
4. Mute Your Mic
Mute the Mic except when it's your turn to speak
5. No Distractions
Messaging friends or scrolling through your social media apps in a traditional class are not allowed, so they shouldn’t be done in virtual classes either. Do your best to stay focused and engaged in the Lesson.
6. No Eating
As is the case in an in-person class, eating is distracting and even a little rude – especially during group activities. So other than a glass or bottle of water, no eating or drinking during the virtual class is a rule most learners appreciate.
7. Raise Your Hand
It’s just not practical for classes to have people jumping in with their questions and comments – it’s too easy for other learners to lose the thread or for the class to get sidetracked.
Students will be given an opportunity to have their questions addressed at the end of each Class session. Please raise a virtual hand.
8. Be Constructive
It is important to remember kindness; keep all feedback constructive – critique, don’t criticize.
Stick to class objectives, and where possible provide specific reasoning for any negative feedback with examples and Biblically-aligned alternatives.
9. Be Positive
A successful virtual class needs its learners to be enthusiastic, engaged, and collaborative, but especially in an online setting it can be easy for sarcastic humor to be misinterpreted.
The Classroom is no place for negative jokes – even if it’s intended as a lighthearted throwaway comment – to make sure no one is ever made to feel uncomfortable or self-conscious.
Warm and positive interactions throughout our classes help ensure that learners feel motivated, confident, and ready to learn.