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The Truth Seeker

Searching for the Truth. Finding the ETERNAL ONE.

All My Stories

 The Journey


Hi, I'm Meeka!
So good to have you here.  

I have a passion for studying the ancient scriptures and during my journey as a Christian, I began to seek fervently the ONE Whom Jesus worshiped and served; the GOD of Israel. During my search for truth, I found the GOD of Israel; the ETERNAL ONE. If you're interested in learning more about the unprecedented scriptural truths HE taught me, be sure to subscribe and join me in discovering the ancient truths within the Bible!

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My Podcast

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Lessons of Truth: "The Fear of the LORD is the Beginning of Wisdom"

Welcome to my podcast, where we focus on spiritual wholeness and growth for those seeking Biblical truth and a genuine desire to know and interact with the CREATOR of man. Through my podcasts, I provide healing for the heart, encouragement, spiritual awareness, and guidance that is founded on the instruction of the GOD of Israel. My personal experiences and encounters with the GOD of Israel, as well as the wisdom HE has taught me, are sure to provide a source of inspiration and guidance that will stay with you long after the podcast ends! Join me on this journey of spiritual growth and transformation today!

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Empowering You Through Biblical Guidance and Support 

Professor Meeka offers expert guidance and spiritual insight to help you gain a deeper understanding of the Bible. Through biblically aligned consultations, Professor Meeka will help you gain clarity and context as you walk through the scriptures. With her expert guidance and insight, you will gain a greater appreciation of the Bible and its teachings, and its relevance to your life. Meeka will help guide you through the complexities of the Bible to help you find the answers you need. With Professor Meeka you can be sure you are getting the most comprehensive and accurate advice for your spiritual journey. 

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