Believing Jesus' Words
Updated: Jul 9, 2022
The Art of Hermaneutics; Complicating the Simplicity of Jesus' Words
How the design of Hermaneutics jeopardizes one's belief in Jesus' words
When we speak of believing someone's words, we are acknowledging that we accept what they are saying as true or real. We place confidence in what they are speaking to us; crediting it as factual or true. To believe someone generally consists of trusting the character of the individual, the traits that coincide with trustworthiness and their perception of the individual as a credible source of knowledge. Generally people are more influenced to credit someone as trustworthy on the basis of popularity, confidence, appearance, or persuasive speech. However, these are not valid qualifiers for the veracity of what is being spoken. We are all aware of the startling fact, that the majority can be absolutely wrong! When genuine belief is placed in the words of another, something takes root within the heart of the believer, in such a way that they will stake everything on what has now solidified as concrete within their hearts. What becomes of the man who has solidified a lie, especially falsehood concerning the teachings of Jesus?
Matthew 18:3, KJV
"And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven"
The message that Jesus presented was designed and purposed to save all of mankind! How then has it become so complicated that it requires the designation of "Religious Experts" to interpret a message simple enough for a child to understand?
Jesus' Simple But Difficult Teachings
There are those who are able to read the words of Jesus and understand them clearly and then there are those who have great difficulty understanding Jesus' words to the extent of constructing an entire educational system to "interpret" his teachings! To Interpret is to clarify or explain the meaning of; elucideate; make clear or plain; to make understandable (Collins English Dictionary 12th ed. 2014). Human interpretation is subjective to the unique experiences and emotions relative to the individual. This reality automatically compromises the author's intended message. In this case, Jesus is the author/originator of the Christian faith and his message was very simple and clear.
Hermeneutics is generally an activity that interests Bible scholars. It is the theory and methodology of interpretation, especially of the Biblical text. Hermeneutics is often used as an interpretative principle when immediate comprehension fails.
Now carefully consider this, an interpretation is someone's unique explanation of a particular text, and not necessarily the intended meaning of the author. The psychological and physiological framework of each are distinctly different and thereby the interpretation will be reflective of their own unique frame of references subjective to their life's experiences (i.e. age groups, educational levels, emotional and physiological states, and the state of spiritual awareness). This aspect is a crucial element when determining the meaning behind someone's words. Those professing to be true disciples of Christ must demonstrate the Biblical evidence of his spirit which is a manifestation of the very mind of Christ!
Interpretation consists of explaining the meaning of Jesus' message from your point of view; giving clarity and understanding to the natural ear. According to the New Testament scriptures, it is the spirit of Jesus that gives understanding and explains the true meaning of his own message; through and by his spirit. It is not accomplished through eloquent speech and Seminary, nor is it gained in"Bible study" group or Sunday service. You must possess the actual spirit of Jesus!
How shall one who is void of Jesus' spirit explain and give understanding of Jesus' message? It is written clearly that such a person not only lacks understanding of his message, but also that they do not know him!
1 Corinthians 2:14, KJV
"The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned"
Notice, the New Testament scriptures specifically highlight that the man who does not have the spriit of Christ cannot know the true message of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:10-12, KJV). They do not have the mind of Christ and thereby they are carnally minded; they have not experienced the true rebirth.
Romans 8:7, KJV
"...the carnal mind is enmity against God"
How then can one who has a carnal mind, void of the true spirit of Christ, self-instruct or instruct others concerning the mind and way of Christ??
...Even if they went to Seminary, stand at the pulpit, dressed in fine robes with the titles of man (i.e. Pope, Bishop, Priest, Pastor, Deacon, etc.).
Shall you be deceived in this way?
Playing With Words
Let's revisit this...
Those who are void of Jesus' spirit cannot -I Repeat- Those void of Jesus' indwelling spirit CAN NOT interpret nor discern the spiritual things of the New Testament scriptures concerning Jesus' message. This is an unmistakable truth written within the New Testament. The interpretation given by the carnal mind will inevitably consist of errors because it is not the spirit of Jesus speaking through that individual. True spiritual discernment comes from the mind and spirit of Christ concerning his way. Those who attempt to interpret Jesus' message from the perspective of the natural mind, void of Jesus' spirit, present a message that is carnally influenced rather than the spiritual discernment and wisdom which the Holy Ghost gives to the vessel occupied by his spirit. The mind of Christ is manifested in every true disciple of Christ. Those who have the spirit of Christ have the mind of Christ to spiritually discern the true message of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16, KJV).
Let's Consider a simple exercise. Read the following information taken from the scriptures and proceed to answer the questions. Your answers provide further insight concerning your genuine belief in Jesus' words.
"sin is the transgression of the Law"; the Laws established by the GOD of Israel (1 John 3:4, KJV)
To all those who sought to follow Jesus, he commanded, "Go and sin no more"
1. What is Jesus' command?
2. What is sin?
3. What is unclear concerning Jesus' command?
4. What interpretations have you heard that are inconsistent with Jesus' command?
5. As a "professing" Christian, do you still commit sin? If so, Why?
6. If a Christian is literally defined as one who faithfully obeys Jesus' teachings and commands, who do you think you are serving when you commit sin?
7. According to Jesus, Can you serve two masters? (Matthew 6:24, KJV)
It must be made clear...
Confusion is found in the hearts of the compromised; those who have made a connection with sin in their hearts.
How then shall one who is bound to sin explain Jesus' message concerning how to be set free from bondage? Jesus stated clearly that those who commit sin (break the Law), are slaves to sin; they are in bondage!(John 8:34, KJV). Most often, it is the sinner who brings about confusion of the ancient scriptures by applying such terms and interpretive methods such as "Hermaneutics", "Exegesis", "Eisegesis", etc. There are thousands of commentaries, doctrines, and added methods which only complicate and confuse the simplicity of Jesus' words by those who find his commands and teachings difficult to understand despite years of religious study.
Jesus' messages were simple enough for even a child to comprehend. The self-willed experience difficulty understanding and accepting Jesus' teachings. Those who find Jesus' words hard to accept/believe will either walk away from the Christain faith altogether, or present an alternative interpretation; one that is more conducive and tolerant to their pyschological framework and lifestyle.
When you find those who profess to be Christian leaders, Popes, Bishops, Pastors, Priests, Worship Leaders, Deacons, Assistant Pastors, Bible Study group leaders, or anyone professing to be a Christian who introduces new words and concepts that are not written in the New Testament scriptures to explain the simple written teachings of Jesus... BEWARE!
Jesus established the guidelines of Christianity 2,000yrs ago. No one can justify altering his message, otherwise, it is deemed an alternative religion to Christianity. Shall the meaning of his message be interpreted by the unlearned and those who do not possess the genuine spirit and mind of Christ?
Jesus said Exactly what he said, plain, simple, and clear. His words were documented within the New Testament scriptures; what's written is written.